Testimonials and Fam Love


“When I started with Alexandra 2 years ago, I had hit rock bottom and was searching for myself and a path towards healing. With her guidance, I have been on a journey that has totally changed me for the better. I have become a stronger, more confident, shinier person who knows their worth. I have better boundaries and ways to communicate with others which I had not had before as a chronic people pleaser.

Alexandra meets you where you are at and gently guides you through your issues whether it be relationships, career or any other issue you might be facing in your life. She encourages you to look deeper. If one method does not work she offers many other options that you can try and see if it works better or is more comfortable for you. You will get no bullshit from her! She will tell you what you need to hear, not what you want but in the kindest way possible. 

I cannot state how grateful I am to have worked with her. Working with Alexandra has helped me get to where I always wished I could be; no longer isolated from the human experience. There is no better investment than one in which you go on the path to be the truest version of yourself. I look at how far I have come with Alexandra and am amazed at how much I have grown and you will too.”

- Jenna Chen

Authentic living GODDESS! Her gift and life purpose is divine. Had an amazing opportunity to participate in one of her full moon releasing guided meditation for the 2021 strawberry full moon and it was a much needed process of healer taking care of healer. There are not many people who I trust to help me on my healing journey as I am a healer myself, but she is capable and provided much needed healing and a transformative meditative moment that I have been needing. Very on time for my life path in conjunction with eclipse season and the summer solstice. Divine timing. Divine feminine.

- Kira Domonique

Who knew that the trajectory of my love life could change in such a short time. 
Thank Goddess for Alexandra and the Juicy Love Life!!! 
I was stuck. Stuck in the same relationship patterns & even the same loop of lovers, for years. In these relationships I was a convenience, not a priority. In order for my love life to get to the next level, I needed tools and guidance…a boost. Goddess, did I get it!!! 
In order for the rise, we had to go deep & it has been a journey. Alexandra, truly, gets to the core of what’s holding you back from getting everything you desire and deserve. Her insight and wisdom, in the realms of love/relationship/and romance is beyond valuable.  The lightbulb moments, the clarity I gained from her, I will carry with me forever.  The way I view myself and relationship, my worth, my value… I don’t ever have to compromise what I want again & I can have everything I desire.  Thanks to Alexandra, I now have the tools to much juicier love life. I wish I had this 20 years ago! Every woman should give herself the gift of this course. You deserve your every hearts desire and, take it from me, you can have it!

- Sirkka Aho

Alexandra not only heard me clearly, she also helped me reconstruct my wording to best serve my needs. No more negative self talk or blaming others for things going wrong. Things have never been clearer! I’m holding onto what I want, what I’m creating, and I won’t settle for less.

- Mercedes Salles

Alexandra Lewis was a life saver for me!  She coached me through some of my most difficult issues and she did it with love and authentic connection. I really felt like Alexandra “got me” and was able to help me navigate my limiting beliefs because she herself has done the work.  I love her energy and her passion for the work she does.  It’s rare to find someone who comes from such a heart centered place and knows her stuff! So grateful she came into my life!

- Michele Elder Certified Soul Coach ®Certified Happiness Coach

I didn’t quite know what to expect when I had a session with Alexandra. I only knew that she seemed tapped into something, and that I wanted guidance. She held a container where I could ask questions with no fear of judgement whatsoever. I was shocked at how I was able to tap into feelings that were masked under anger and fear, and get real, practical guidance on how to work through the rough stuff. I am very sensitive to motives, and hers are as pure as they come. I am so grateful for her willingness to mentor us through these complicated times. We are lucky to have her wisdom, love, and support.

- Tara Weidman


I gained so much from participating in the Juicy Love Life program. I was able to get clarity around what I wanted in my life and to start believing that the universe is listening and able to give me what I want. Before taking the Juicy Love Life program I was attracting partners that were the same “old thing”. I was tired of doing the same thing and expecting different results, (definition of insanity). As I started the program I felt supported by other women and knew if I was struggling, I wasn’t alone. Alexandra made it safe for me to open up and share my struggles with the group and to get support from the community. I highly recommend this program for other women as you can create the kind of life you have always dreamed of. I am now attracting the kind of partners I want and am excited about the future. My goddess is alive and well inside of me! The Juicy Love Life program helped bring my goddess alive and made her powerful. All women deserve to feel this way!!!

- Melissa M., Portland, OR


I recently took The Juicy Love life curse, and really enjoyed the whole experience. I loved the enthusiasm and proactive approach to manifesting that Alexandra taught us. She is captivating and excellent at explaining the techniques from diverse angles that made it easy to follow and exciting to try. I would highly recommend taking one of her course and am excited to continue working with her.  I initially took the class because I have been so nervous and hung up on my past. Its been hard to allow myself to date or bring love fully in my life. After the course I feel as though I can recognize when I’m putting myself in old patterns and have more tools now to deal with them. This has helped me immensely with being more present, letting go of my nervousness and having excitement for what is ahead for me.

- Allison Goodnight


Alexandra has a welcoming way of sharing her vulnerability with strength, the divine wisdom coming through her, and her willingness to continuously learn and grow in this journey of being human.

- Shannon Lord

I have been following Alexandra Loves on social media for about a year now. I have very much enjoyed her videos and the things that she has to say. Last month when she opened up her mentoring sessions, I jumped on board right away because I personally resonate with so much of what she has to say. I thoroughly enjoyed my session with her because she is so inspiring. She really get’s you look deep within yourself to figure out what work needs to be done so you can move forward to become the best “you” that you be.

- Elle Simone

Alexandra is an amazing coach, mentor, spiritual guide. I recently had a session with her as I was struggling and wanted to get unstuck. She is so affirming. Wise beyond her years. I was so inspired, I signed up for her online course. Super excited her powerful voice is changing our world.

- Tracey Adams


The Juicy Love Life gave me tools to traverse relationships of all kinds, not just romantic relationships. Alexandra cultivates a group of sharing and acceptance which is not easy to find in the world. I was attempting to deal with a relationship in my life in which the communication was strained and difficult. I used the tools in the Juicy Love Life and the communication changed ultimately for the better. Everything has changed in the relationship for the better. The dynamic is clearer to me and I have a better focus on what I want to create which extends into the real everyday world. I loved being part of a “tribe” which Alexandra values and wants to create. I really appreciated everyone sharing their stories. The tools that Alexandra gives us keeps me engaged and keeps me evaluating my life. Alexandra is very experienced in manifesting what she wants and therefore, she is an excellent coach. She always appreciated my questions when I wasn’t clear about certain processes and I never felt like I was asking a “stupid” question. The tools that I now have from taking the Juicy Love Life give me hope, as well as concrete tools, for creating the life that I want and that I believe I deserve. I truly believe that utilizing the techniques will yield positive results no matter what because I have seen a shift in energy and even in the way that other people perceive me. It is noticeable. To truly be able to be myself, is an immeasurable gift! And I believe that the course has guided me to be on that path. I would recommend that women take this course. Coming into your individual power as a female not only helps you but helps to heal the masculine in our society. Doing everything we can to truly become ourselves, helps all of our lives regardless of gender. We absolutely must be ourselves in order to create balance in any relationship, particularly in our intimate relationships and within humanity. It all starts with us!”

- Cheryle Healion

Alexandra Loves is such a powerful being!! Her Full Moon Release for the Strawberry Full Moon 2021 was impactful, strong, & liberating! This is the third time I have reached out for her support. I am eternally grateful for the containers she creates, her depth of compassion, knowledge, and insight. She has many unique gifts (She is a spiritual Goddess!) but one of them I am always amazed by is how beautifully she is able to teach & explain situations in a way that it sheds light to things I could have never understood before. Every video she shares (that I’ve seen), her authenticity, compassion, and perspective is something I learn from every single time. Alexandra Loves, thank you for being such a bright soul, for your support, & for everything you do. So grateful for you

- Jade Sparks

Through an online course as well as an audio offering she released, Alexandra Loves has provided so many hidden and buried truths for me to explore! Her style is warm, inviting and accessible – and fun. I appreciate that she is willing to share real stories that help illustrate the concepts, and she’s willing to be vulnerable, as well. Alexandra is a gift.

- Kristie Bell


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